1 Property Owned by a Limited Company | $1,600 + GST

Our Property Tax Return Package

  • IR4 Company Tax return
  • IR4J Imputation Credit return
  • Annual Income Statement (Profit & Loss)
  • Tax advice in relation to your rental property
  • Complimentary mortgage and structure review
  • Tax reminders and assessments
  • Phone and email support

Property Tax Refunds | One Property - Limited Company

More Information

Our property experts will compile your rental property summary making sure that every applicable deduction has been taken advantage off. We will then file an IR4 Company Income Tax return with Inland Revenue.

Once we have filed the IR4 we will provide an Income Statement and Tax Summary to keep for your records. In addition, Inland Revenue will issue an assessment which should be retained.

When the work is complete, we will issue an invoice for our services which will be payable within 14 days. Following this, Inland Revenue will issue an assessment which will show the due date of any tax payable.

We are available throughout the whole process to answer any questions, provide advice via phone or email. In addition, if you remain a client we offer ongoing advice and support in relation to your rental property.

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